Strength & Movement

Your Dynamic Journey


During this more advanced phase of your development, you will progress to more advanced training techniques. This is more associated with elite performers but based on your own level of elite.


  • Develop the confidence, self-belief, and a desire to grow and reach your true potential in all areas of life.
  • Use our advanced training methods to reach your body’s peak level of performance.
  • Consistently track your progress, your bodies composition and monitor your levels of endurance, strength, and power.
  • Reach the new heights of progressive exercise by enhancing your agility, balance, coordination, speed, reaction time training to an elite level.

Learn to set boundaries and attain your goals by dipping into our on-line portal for some of your own development whilst still under the guidance of our coaches.

Proud of your progress, you will take control of your own development with the coaches taking on more of a supportive role. Your positivity and good habits really make a difference to your overall life and you will make more life-enabling decisions.

  • Develop the confidence, self-belief, and a desire to grow.
  • Reach your true potential in all areas of life.
  • Use our advanced training methods to reach your body’s peak level of performance.
  • Consistently track your progress, your body composition and monitor your levels of endurance, strength, and power.
  • Reach the new heights of progressive exercise by enhancing your agility, balance, coordination, speed, reaction time training to an elite level.
  • Grow as an individual, reach your full potential and a level of performance like never before.

A Dynamic Life is where everything is in balance. We maintain and live a happy and healthy life in all aspects of your being. This takes a more open approach from both you and the coaches to maintain. Remember however, sometimes good enough is still ok and to trust yourself in the process.

Our elite programme truly is the physical peak of the capability of the human body, but we can’t always be at the complete peak – life happens! If you find an injury, illness, or trauma, then we have our Dynamic Recovery and Dynamic Care programmes to work back up to full fitness once again.

Our Members.

Ben Stokes
England Cricket Captain

I had many PT sessions with Dynamic based on what is required of me as a professional cricketer. Not only did they bring their own experience as a coaches to my training, but also worked with my strength and conditioning coaches and implemented their requests too. Their open-mindedness to our time working together was fantastic and made the training beneficial from a physical point of view and was also fun. They are excellent to work with and I could not speak more highly of them as a organisation and as a people.

Dr Maged Habib
Consultant Eye Surgeon

I have worked with coaches before and have been disappointed. Working with Dynamic has changed that completely! I feel the improvement daily and they deliver excellent training sessions no matter what the circumstances. I'd highly recommend their approach.

Richard Usher

I cannot thank Dynamic enough for the help and advice over the last 3 years. I used to think I was heading into the mid-life stage with my best years behind me! With careful guidance, help, and patience I am now hitting my personal bests on a regular basis - I could not have done this without them.

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